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Tipo Conference


Create a typographic wordmark / visual identity for a Typography Design Conference. Must contain the main identity (TIPO 2023) and the following secondary poster type:

  • International Conference on Typography and Design

  • ATypl Association Typgraphique Internationale


  • Rome, Italy September 20-22, 2023

  • Villa Spalletti Trivelli - Via Piacenze, 4, 00184 Roma RM, Italy


  • Include all speaker names

Often having a distinct and unique appearance due to their fixed-width characters, I chose a monospace typeface to be the star of the show. Its singularity can be viewed as an exploratory element in relation to the design conference's goal of showcasing unconventional and innovative typography.

The choice of a monospace typeface serves as a central element in the project. The identity system was crafted through the idea of modularity tying close to the essence of the monospace typeface. Crafted on a gridded system, the design focuses on the counters of the letter 'o' and the numeral '0' being blacked out for emphasis. The use of circles and squares represents people coming together, reflecting the collaborative spirit of the conference.

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