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2018-2019 ap 2-d art

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*This was an AP 2-D Drawing Portfolio, I received a 5 as my score.*

1. What is the central idea of your concentration?

The central idea of my concentration investigates the relationship between personified objects harmonizing with nature. Each piece implements representations of nature through repetitive linework and graphic colors.

2. How does the work in your concentration demonstrate the exploration of your idea? You may refer to specific images as examples.

My concentration explores textures, bold colors, and detailed linework. The stationary objects are offset by rhythmic lines creating a free-flowing aesthetic. I drew out the linework by hand and added the colors digitally. For some, I painted the background and then added the line work digitally. I use negative space in order to balance the composition and focus the gaze. The smoke-like linework in 2 and 8 very successfully controls eye movement. In images 7 and 10, the figure stands in a dynamic pose to emphasize the feeling of empowerment and dominance over the background. The bright and bold analogous colors I used balanced each other in images 1, 3, and 11. Similarly, the complementary colors used in images 2, 8, and 10 contrast the background from the focal point. I initially filled the background with imagery (6, 9, & 12), but came to see that pieces with more negative space were more successful compositions (1, 3 & 11). My 11th composition is the most successful because it represents my interests in detailed linework, simple colors, and negative space.

Ginkgo Leaves
Blooming Blossom
Rainbow Mobile
Peeking Petals
Blue Bird
Sun Rays
Red Cranes
Rocky Sea

2019-2020 ap Drawing

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*This was an AP Drawing portfolio, I received a 5 as my score.*

1. Identify the question(s) or inquiry that guided your sustained investigation.

My concentration investigates flattened contour drawings in abstracted spaces that are juxtaposed with value-laden volumetric forms. Each piece implements representational subjects, textures, and negative space to focus and refocus the gaze across the composition.

2. Describe how your sustained investigation shows evidence of practice, experimentation, and revision guided by your question(s) or inquiry.

Using animals as my main subject, I thoughtfully cropped each piece to enable opportunities for negative space. The negative space that’s found in the animal’s eyes and structure help balance the composition and contrast with the graphite. I added gold embellishments to highlight specific parts of my subject’s original state. Initially, my first pieces focused on form through values as well as gold flower contours (1 and 2) but found that the more successful compositions have more flatness contrasting with the form (3, 4, 7, and 8). Most successfully, I found that combining flatness and detailed linework controlled the viewer’s eye movement (9 and 10).

Honey Possum
Bee and Flowers
Cherry Blossom

2016-2020 experimental and designs

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Square Resin
Circle Coaster
Hexagon Coaster
Paper Planes
Life in Wonderland
Mouthful of Thoughts
Yes Beautiful Soul
Abstract Lines
Deep Waters
Smoked Soul
Key Club Shirt Design (Front)
Key Club Shirt Design (Back)
Well Deserved
3 Creature Piece
3 Creature Thumbnails
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